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After School
Course Category
About After School

Community Education programs end promptly at their scheduled end time (i.e. after school programs end at either 4:05 or 4:55 p.m. depending on the school). The child's authorized pick-up person should pick up when the class ends. If you will be arriving after the program ends please notify the Community Education office at 952-226-0310 and make arrangements for an emergency contact or authorized pick-up person to pick-up your child. We ask that you prepare in advance for poor road conditions due to weather.

If a child is picked-up from a program 10 minutes after the class ends, Community Education will assess a late pick up fee. Fees are as follows:

  • Late Arrival up to 10 mins - $20
  • Late Arrival between 11-20 mins - $40
  • Late Arrival beyond 20 mins - $60

If your child is not picked up and you or your emergency contacts cannot be reached 30 minutes after the class ends, local authorities may be called to take responsibility for your child.

If you are significantly late to pick up your child more than 3 times, Community Ed has the right to remove your child from any Community Ed programs with no refunds.

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