Questions? Please call 952-226-0950.
Circle of Friends Preschool
Most adult class are appropriate for ages 15+ unless otherwise noted. Questions? Please call 952-226-0310.
Call the Early Childhood Screening office with any questions you may have: 952-226-0975.
Lakers Preschool Child Care and the Laker 3s Program are branches of Kids’ Company, offering care for our youngest learners.
Kids’ Company offers quality child care options before and after school, full-day programming on most non-school days, and extended care on early release afternoons. Kids’ Company is located in all elementary buildings, serving K-5 students.
Math-by-Mail is expanding its options to do math! How exciting! We continue to serve upper elementary through 9th grade. Not only are we offering our predetermined set of 8 packets, we will also offer an ala carte menu! Our added approach allows for individual choice regarding the skills and concepts students and parents can request to build math confidence. Still an 8 week course with a self paced approach! Student completed packets should be mailed (USPS) to Math-by-Mail. We will then provide feedback and return corrected packets to students via USPS. As always the goal of Math-by-Mail is to provide rich content to maintain mathematical understanding!
Math by Mail