Questions? Please call 952-226-0950.
Circle of Friends Preschool
Most adult class are appropriate for ages 15+ unless otherwise noted. Questions? Please call 952-226-0310.
Call the Early Childhood Screening office with any questions you may have: 952-226-0975.
Lakers Preschool Child Care and the Laker 3s Program are branches of Kids’ Company, offering care for our youngest learners.
Kids’ Company offers quality child care options before and after school, full-day programming on most non-school days, and extended care on early release afternoons. Kids’ Company is located in all elementary buildings, serving K-5 students.
This in-depth Retirement Education course is designed to prepare you for a successful retirement. You will learn how to manage investment risks, use tax laws to your advantage, understand cash-flow planning for retirement in addition to managing healthcare, long-term care, company retirement plans, estate planning and much more. The course is taught by a Certified Financial Educator and Retirement Specialist using live case studies, class participation and interactive exercises. Your spouse/guest is welcome to attend with you; one set of course materials will be provided.
Terri Collymore